Download OpenAPI specification:Download
AddRecipient method is used to add details of recipient and link (UK or International) recipient bank account to Solaris consumer account for fund transfer.
The object req information.
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "ConsumerID": 55320,
- "BankName": "AddBankC1",
- "BankAddress": "United Kingdom",
- "BankAccountNumber": "00709983",
- "BankSortCode": "623053",
- "BankAccountHolderName": "Bank AccHolderC1",
- "ReferenceNumber": "AddBankRefC1",
- "FriendlyName": "BankNameC1",
- "BankAccountTypeID": 1,
- "RecipientISOCountryCode": "826",
- "IBAN": "GB35CNFV60837000000570",
- "NCC": "",
- "BankAccountHolderAddress": "ACH AddressC1",
- "RecipientEmailAddress": "",
- "BeneficiaryCity": "Bruxelles",
- "BeneficiaryState": "Bruxelles",
- "BeneficiaryPostCode": "1000",
- "ToCurrencyCode": "USD",
- "BankEntityTypeID": 1,
- "CLABE": "032180000118359719",
- "ABA": "091000022",
- "IFSC": "HDFC0003779",
- "BsbCode": "012002",
- "BankCode": "001",
- "BranchCode": "91108",
- "CNAPS": "104100000004",
- "TransferTypeID": 1,
- "ClientRequestReference": "[ReferenceExample]",
- "CultureID": 1
{- "RecipientBankReferenceID": 19181,
- "Description": "Success",
- "ResponseCode": "000",
- "ResponseDateTime": "2021-12-21T13:58:02.899",
- "ClientRequestReference": "reference",
- "RequestID": 27194
BankTransfer method is used to transfer the fund from Solaris consumer account to recipient account. It debits the specified amount from Solaris consumer account and credits the amount to recipient bank account if transfer amount is available in consumer account.
Bank transfer request detail
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "PayerIDCode": "ICN",
- "PayerIDCodeValue": "U72200MH2009PLC123456",
- "PaymentPurposeCode": "CCTFDR",
- "Description": "DESC123",
- "RecipientBankReferenceID": 16087,
- "ClientReferenceNumber": "CREF123",
- "ReferenceNumber": "REF123",
- "TransferTypeID": 1,
- "Amount": 1200,
- "RecipientISOCountryCode": "826",
- "DayTimeContactNumber": "9342342432423",
- "RequesterConsumerID": 0,
- "ToCurrencyCode": "EUR",
- "AccountIdentifier": 949838,
- "AccountNumber": "00000570",
- "SortCode": "608370",
- "IBAN": "GB35CNFV60837000000570",
- "ClientRequestReference": "[ReferenceExample]",
- "CultureID": 1
{- "BankTransferReferenceID": 42596,
- "SCARes": {
- "SCAReferenceNumber": "5A376AF7-3AA1-4F63-8F44-B29CF6AC770A",
- "SCAType": 1,
- "AuthorizeOn": "Push",
- "AdditionalData": "You have a new authorisation request.",
- "ExpiryDateTime": "2021-11-12T13:32:32.3497733+05:30",
- "RemainingResendCount": 0,
- "RemainingFailAttempt": 5,
- "SCAIdentification": "",
- "StartDateTime": "2021-11-12T13:27:32.3497733+05:30",
- "Title": "Transfer"
}, - "Description": "Success",
- "ResponseCode": "000",
- "ResponseDateTime": "2021-12-21T13:58:02.899",
- "ClientRequestReference": "reference",
- "RequestID": 27194
CancelBankTransferChangeOfMind method is used to cancel the bank transfer request. The request can only be cancelled if the Cut-off time has not reached for export file. Cut-off time will be different for each bank transfer as per the provider. This is valid for UK accounts in GBP currency.
The object req information.
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "BankTransferReferenceID": 42596,
- "Remarks": "cancel transfer",
- "ClientRequestReference": "[ReferenceExample]",
- "CultureID": 1
{- "Description": "Success",
- "ResponseCode": "000",
- "ResponseDateTime": "2021-12-21T13:58:02.899",
- "ClientRequestReference": "reference",
- "RequestID": 27194
DeleteRecipient method is used to unlink the recipient account which is linked with Solaris consumer account and stops further money transfer.
The object req information.
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "ConsumerID": 55320,
- "RecipientBankReferenceID": 19181,
- "ClientRequestReference": "[ReferenceExample]",
- "CultureID": 1
{- "Description": "Success",
- "ResponseCode": "000",
- "ResponseDateTime": "2021-12-21T13:58:02.899",
- "ClientRequestReference": "reference",
- "RequestID": 27194
This method uses is to validate the IBAN and get other details if that IBAN is valid. It is a chargeable method.
The request information.
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "IBAN": "FI1410093000123458",
- "ClientRequestReference": "[ReferenceExample]",
- "CultureID": 1
{- "IBAN": "FI1410093000123458",
- "BankName": "NORDEA",
- "BankAddress": "ALEKSANTERINKATU 36",
- "BankCity": "HELSINKI",
- "BankState": "",
- "BankZip": "00100",
- "Country": "Finland",
- "ISOCountryCode": "246",
- "Description": "Success",
- "ResponseCode": "000",
- "ResponseDateTime": "2021-12-21T13:58:02.899",
- "ClientRequestReference": "reference",
- "RequestID": 27194
Get foreign exchange rate information for multiple currency pairs.
The object req information.
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "FromAmount": 100,
- "ToAmount": 110,
- "FromCurrencyCode": "GBP",
- "ToCurrencyCode": "EUR",
- "ClientRequestReference": "[ReferenceExample]",
- "CultureID": 1
{- "ClientBuyAmount": 100,
- "ClientSellAmount": 120,
- "ClientRate": 10,
- "CoreRate": 10,
- "Description": "Success",
- "ResponseCode": "000",
- "ResponseDateTime": "2021-12-21T13:58:02.899",
- "ClientRequestReference": "reference",
- "RequestID": 27194
GetSpecificRecipient method is used to get the details of the UK or international recipient bank account linked with the Solaris consumer account provided in API request.
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "ConsumerID": 55320,
- "RecipientBankReferenceID": 19181,
- "ClientRequestReference": "[ReferenceExample]",
- "CultureID": 1
{- "RecipientBankDetail": {
- "ConsumerID": 55320,
- "BankAccountTypeID": 1,
- "RecipientBankReferenceID": 19185,
- "BankAccountNumber": "",
- "BankSortCode": "",
- "FriendlyName": "BankNameC3",
- "BankName": "AddBankC3Int",
- "BankAddress": "United Kingdom",
- "IBAN": "BG232DSDSERER5646445",
- "BIC": "CNFVBG12341",
- "NCC": "",
- "BankAccountHolderName": "TESTC3",
- "BeneficiaryPostCode": "",
- "BeneficiaryCity": "",
- "BeneficiaryState": "",
- "BeneficiaryCurrencyCode": "USD",
- "ReferenceNumber": "AddBankRefC3",
- "ISOCountryCode": "",
- "RecipientEmailAddress": "",
- "BeneficiaryStatus": 1,
- "LastPaymentDate": "",
- "BankAccountHolderAddress": "Account Holder Address",
- "RecipientType": 1,
- "BankEntityTypeID": 1,
- "CLABE": "032180000118359719",
- "ABA": "091000022",
- "IFSC": "HDFC0003779",
- "BsbCode": "012002",
- "BankCode": "001",
- "BranchCode": "91108",
- "CNAPS": "104100000004",
- "TransferTypeId": 1
}, - "Description": "Success",
- "ResponseCode": "000",
- "ResponseDateTime": "2021-12-21T13:58:02.899",
- "ClientRequestReference": "reference",
- "RequestID": 27194
ListInternationalBankAccountSetupCountries method returns the list of Country Name, ISO country code and BankAccountSetupGroupValue.
Response of this method helps to indicate that different international countries accepts what combination of details to identify a Bank account.
BankAccountSetupGroupValue tells different country wise BankAccountSetup established depending upon the Groupvalue.
Valid TransferTypeID = 20, 21, 22
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "ISOCountryCode": "826",
- "TransferTypeID": 1,
- "ClientRequestReference": "[ReferenceExample]",
- "CultureID": 1
{- "BankAccountSetupCountries": [
- {
- "CountryName": "United Kingdom",
- "CountryISOCode": "826",
- "BankAccountSetupGroupValue": 1
], - "Description": "Success",
- "ResponseCode": "000",
- "ResponseDateTime": "2021-12-21T13:58:02.899",
- "ClientRequestReference": "reference",
- "RequestID": 27194
ListRecipients method is used to get the detail list of all recipients bank account linked to the Solaris consumer provided in API request.
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "ConsumerID": 55320,
- "ClientRequestReference": "[ReferenceExample]",
- "CultureID": 1
{- "RecipientResList": [
- {
- "ConsumerID": 55320,
- "BankAccountTypeID": 1,
- "RecipientBankReferenceID": 19185,
- "BankAccountNumber": "",
- "BankSortCode": "",
- "FriendlyName": "BankNameC3",
- "BankName": "AddBankC3Int",
- "BankAddress": "United Kingdom",
- "IBAN": "BG232DSDSERER5646445",
- "BIC": "CNFVBG12341",
- "NCC": "",
- "BankAccountHolderName": "TESTC3",
- "BeneficiaryPostCode": "",
- "BeneficiaryCity": "",
- "BeneficiaryState": "",
- "BeneficiaryCurrencyCode": "USD",
- "ReferenceNumber": "AddBankRefC3",
- "ISOCountryCode": "",
- "RecipientEmailAddress": "",
- "BeneficiaryStatus": 1,
- "LastPaymentDate": "",
- "BankAccountHolderAddress": "Account Holder Address",
- "RecipientType": 1,
- "BankEntityTypeID": 1,
- "CLABE": "032180000118359719",
- "ABA": "091000022",
- "IFSC": "HDFC0003779",
- "BsbCode": "012002",
- "BankCode": "001",
- "BranchCode": "91108",
- "CNAPS": "104100000004",
- "TransferTypeId": 1
], - "Description": "Success",
- "ResponseCode": "000",
- "ResponseDateTime": "2021-12-21T13:58:02.899",
- "ClientRequestReference": "reference",
- "RequestID": 27194
ListSepaBankAccountSetupCountries method returns the list of Country Name, ISO country code and BankAccountSetupGroupValue.
Response of this method helps to indicate that different registered countries under SEPA accepts what combination of details to identify a Bank account.
BankAccountSetupGroupValue tells different country wise BankAccountSetup established depending upon the Groupvalue.
Valid TransferTypeID = 15
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "ISOCountryCode": "826",
- "TransferTypeID": 1,
- "ClientRequestReference": "[ReferenceExample]",
- "CultureID": 1
{- "BankAccountSetupCountries": [
- {
- "CountryName": "United Kingdom",
- "CountryISOCode": "826",
- "BankAccountSetupGroupValue": 1
], - "Description": "Success",
- "ResponseCode": "000",
- "ResponseDateTime": "2021-12-21T13:58:02.899",
- "ClientRequestReference": "reference",
- "RequestID": 27194
UpdateBeneficiaryStatus method is used to update the status of recipient account like trusted or untrusted based upon activities performed by recipient account.
The object req information.
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "ConsumerID": 55320,
- "BeneficiaryStatusReqList": [
- {
- "RecipientBankReferenceID": 28,
- "BeneficiaryStatus": 1
], - "ClientRequestReference": "[ReferenceExample]",
- "CultureID": 1
{- "SCARes": {
- "SCAReferenceNumber": "5A376AF7-3AA1-4F63-8F44-B29CF6AC770A",
- "SCAType": 1,
- "AuthorizeOn": "Push",
- "AdditionalData": "You have a new authorisation request.",
- "ExpiryDateTime": "2021-11-12T13:32:32.3497733+05:30",
- "RemainingResendCount": 0,
- "RemainingFailAttempt": 5,
- "SCAIdentification": "",
- "StartDateTime": "2021-11-12T13:27:32.3497733+05:30",
- "Title": "Transfer"
}, - "Description": "Success",
- "ResponseCode": "000",
- "ResponseDateTime": "2021-12-21T13:58:02.899",
- "ClientRequestReference": "reference",
- "RequestID": 27194
Uploads bulk payment file for transfer of funds to a beneficiary account. The beneficiary account can be a consumer account in Solaris or UK or international bank account.
The request information.
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "FileName": "[FILE_NAME]",
- "AccountIdentifier": 949838,
- "AccountNumber": "00000570",
- "SortCode": "608370",
- "IBAN": "GB35CNFV60837000000570",
- "ClientRequestReference": "[ReferenceExample]",
- "CultureID": 1
{- "Description": "Success",
- "ResponseCode": "000",
- "ResponseDateTime": "2021-12-21T13:58:02.899",
- "ClientRequestReference": "reference",
- "RequestID": 27194
Retrieves a match between the payee owner name and account details provided, for purposes of verifying the owner of the account. Please note this functionality is only available to verify the owners of UK bank accounts.
Bad Request
Internal Server Error
{- "ConsumerID": 55320,
- "AccountNumber": "string",
- "SortCode": "string",
- "AccountOwnerName": "string",
- "LegalOwnerType": "string",
- "ClientRequestReference": "[ReferenceExample]",
- "CultureID": 1
{- "Matched": true,
- "Name": "string",
- "Reason": "string",
- "MatchedBank": "string",
- "ReasonCode": "string",
- "ResponseWithinSla": true,
- "LegalOwnerType": "string",
- "ResponderRegistrationId": "string",
- "Description": "Success",
- "ResponseCode": "000",
- "ResponseDateTime": "2021-12-21T13:58:02.899",
- "ClientRequestReference": "reference",
- "RequestID": 27194