Account status change notification

A notification informing you when the status of an account is changed. The following changes in status will cause the notification to be sent:

  • To "Suspended", "Frozen" or "Closed" from any previous account status.
  • To "Live" from "Suspended", "Frozen" or "Limited".

Notification Parameters

Parameter Type Description
NotificationType string Three-digit identifier of the notification type. "022" denotes the Account status change status notification.
StatusChangeDate string The date and time when the status of the account is changed. The format is yyyyMMddHHmmss. Maximum character length = 14.
CardHolderId integer Unique identifier of the consumer.
AccountNumber string Eight-digit account number of the consumer.
OldAccountStatus string The previous status of the account.
NewAccountStatus string The new (current) status of the account.
SecurityHash string Contains the hash of the payload values and your webhook security key, to verify the origin and integrity of the notification.

Example of Account status change notification

An example of a notification regarding account reactivation. The status of the account has changed from suspended (02) to live (01):

   "NotificationType": "022",
   "StatusChangeDate": "20160512063400",
   "CardHolderId": "53040",
   "AccountNumber": "00868152",
   "OldAccountStatus": "02",
   "NewAccountStatus": "01",
   "SecurityHash": "c61f522358a26811e405ca72f05997185eb76f59f2942c6ad8aafa10b66f136e"

Lookup values for account status

Account status Description
01 Live
02 Suspended
05 Frozen

Validating the notification security Hash

Security Hash validation

See the respective guide for more information on calculating and verifying the notification security hash.

To compute the hash of the notification payload, concatenate the payload values in the following sequence, with your webhook security key as the final item:


The payload values above and example webhook security key of abcdefghijklmnop, will produce the following hash input:

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