Buffer Account – Partner Integration

API integration overview

Solaris calls the URL specified by the partner, sending the authorization request details. This payload will contain the fields detailed in the Request Payload table below.

The partner processes the authorization request and responds with either an approved or declined authorization message, as shown in the Response Payload section.

Request Payload

AuthorizationID Field

The AuthorizationID field holds an integer value. Values in this field may however exceed the maximum value of standard integer (int) and Number types common in some environments and need to be parsed as long or big integer etc., depending on your particular environment to avoid issues.

Field Type Description
CardID integer Card ID for which the authorization is requested.
AuthorizationID integer Unique ID for the authorization.
AuthorizationAmount integer The amount authorized for the transfer, inclusive of fees and converted into the partner's program base currency. This value is represented in minor units - for example a value of 11.20 will be sent as 1120.
AcceptorNameLocation string Card acceptor's location.
AcceptorCountryCode integer Card acceptor's country code. It is the 3-digit ISO Code. For Example: If location is US, then its CountryCode = 840.
AuthorizationType string Authorization Type - refer to the Authorization Types lookup table.
CardTransactionID integer Unique identifier of the card's transaction.
MCC integer Merchant Category Code.
AcceptorIdCode string Merchant Id.

Example Request Payload

    "AcceptorCountryCode": 840,
    "AcceptorIdCode": "VIP4003IP",
    "AcceptorNameLocation": "ACQUIRER NAME CITY NAME US",
    "AuthorizationAmount": 1100,
    "AuthorizationID": 2637762136219995595,
    "AuthorizationType": "01",
    "CardID": 102331,
    "CardTransactionID": 7765598572078195,
    "MCC": 5999

Response Payload

Field Type Description
ResponseCode string Response from the partner indiciating whether the request was successful (approved) or not. Code "00" Indicates that the requested action approved. Refer to the Response Code lookup table for more information.
AccountBalance integer The balance amount in the cardholder's account. This value is represented in minor units - for example a value of 11.20 should be sent as 1120 .

Example approval response payload


Example decline response payload


Lookup Tables

Authorization Types lookup table

authorization Type Description
01 Purchase
02 E-commerce
03 ATM Withdrawal
04 Purchase Cashback
06 Balance Inquiry
08 Auto fuel dispense
09 Bill Payment
10 E-COMM without CVV2
11 Mail phone order
12 Recurring
13 Quasi Cash Tran
17 Estimated
18 Estimated Partial
19 COF (Credential-On-File)

Response Code lookup table

Response Code Status
00 Approved
07 Declined
12 Suspended
13 Closed

Buffer account webhook parameters

Parameter Type Description
NotificationType string Three-digit identifier of the notification type. "057" denotes the Buffer account notification.
CardID integer Unique Identifier of the card
AuthorizationID integer Unique Identifier of the authorization
AuthorizationAmount integer The amount authorised for the transfer, inclusive of fees and converted into the partner's program base currency. This value is represented in minor units - for example a value of 11.20 will be sent as 1120.
AcceptorNameLocation string Name and location of Acceptor that is sent in the authorization
AcceptorCountryCode integer Acceptor's Country Code value that is sent in the authorization
AuthorizationType string Authorization Type value that is sent in the authorization, Refer to the Authorization look up value table.
IsApproved bool Final decision on the authorization, Its Value = 1 (i.e. true) or 0 (i.e. false)
IsSTIP bool If authorization went into STIP(Stand-In-Processing), then value will be 1 (i.e. true) else 0 (i.e. false)
AcceptorID string Unique identifier of facility, merchant or POS that accepts the consumer's card for payment. It is a number that can be 1 to 15 digits long and in some cases contains a dash, “-“. Provided by VISA.
MerchantCategoryCode integer Merchant category code value that is sent in authorization
IsAuthorizationRequested bool Whether authorization was requested real time to partner or not
DeclineReason string Why particular authorization was declined. This field will be blank in case authorization is approved
CardTransactionID string Unique identifier of the card's transaction.
TransactionFeeVariable integer The total value of all fees (such as POS and ATM withdrawal fees) applied to the transaction, in the partner's program base currency.
InstructionType string Advises the receiving partner of the nature and circumstances of the incoming notification. Possible values are:
  • "Authorization"
  • "Reversal"
  • "Partial Reversal"
  • "Immediate Payment"
  • "Settlement Adjustment"
  • "Refund"
  • "Settlement"
  • "Expired Authorization"
BufferMoneyMoveAmount integer A signed numerical value (with 2 implied decimal places) reflecting the value and direction of the money movement
OriginalAuthorizationID string Provided where a complete transaction (one that is made up of multiple sequences of acquirer-side actions - such as reversals or Automated Fuel Dispensers (AFD)) causes the generation of an additional AuthorizationID. In these cases, the Original Authorization ID is provided.
SecurityHash string Contains the hash of the payload values and your webhook security key, to verify the origin and integrity of the notification.

Example Buffer account webhook

    "NotificationType": "057",
    "CardID": "14023",
    "AuthorizationID":	"636518098174087522",
    "AuthorizationAmount":	"100000",
    "AcceptorNameLocation":	"ACQUIRER NAME CITY NAME GB",
    "AcceptorCountryCode":	"826",
    "AuthorizationType": "1",
    "IsApproved": "0",
    "IsSTIP": "0",
    "AcceptorID": "VPP0000004043IP",
    "MerchantCategoryCode": "5999",
    "IsAuthorizationRequested": "1",
    "DeclineReason": "Authorisation was declined because buffer account balance was not enough.",
    "CardTransactionID": "7765598572078195",
    "TransactionFeeVariable": "1000",
    "InstructionType": "Authorization",
    "BufferMoneyMoveAmount": "217",
    "OriginalAuthorizationID": "2372305181447146021",
    "SecurityHash": "e3c20886fc794cbb4c6d870466fd16c4d2bae114f56e4d84768a5ad3a9ef38c1"

Validating the notification security hash

Security Hash validation

See the respective guide for more information on calculating and verifying the notification security hash.

To compute the hash of the notification payload, concatenate the payload values in the following sequence, with your webhook security key as the final item:


The payload values above and example webhook security key of abcdefghijklmnop, will produce the following hash input:

057&14023&636518098174087522&100000&ACQUIRER NAME CITY NAME GB&826&1&0&0&VPP0000004043IP&5999&1&Authorisation was declined because buffer account balance was not enough.&7765598572078195&1000&Authorization&217&2372305181447146021&abcdefghijklmnop
Solaris is the brand name for the regulated entities Contis Financial Services Ltd and UAB „Finansinės paslaugos „Contis“, which are part of the Solaris Group.