Simulator Portal

Card generation

In the sandbox environment card PANs are typically generated and assigned to a given account within a 3-4 hour timeframe. Please note that when issuing physical cards in the production environment, this process may take up to one business day due to dependencies on the card production bureau.

The Simulator portal allows you to mock a range of real-world user-initiated and system flows such as authorizations, transfers, inbound payments and the application and reversal of bank charges. This guides provides an overview of the key features provided in the simulator, and their usage.

Accessing the Simulator Portal

The portal is available in both the Beta/Sandbox and Staging environments. Use the relevant URL and associated environment specific API credentials to access the portal:

Inactivity Logout

For security purposes a period of inactivity exceeding 5 minutes will log you out of the portal and require you to re-enter your credentials.

Portal usage overview

  • Searching for accounts. Many of the functions listed are performed against a given account. Most views allow you to enter the account details (account number and sort code) directly, or to search for an account via the user's email, username or mobile number.
  • Sending of webhook notifications. Certain functions will cause notifications to be sent to your system if the respective notifications have been enabled and configured correctly. When testing certain functions, receipt of the relevant notification(s) are a prerequisite for a successful test.

The key views and associated functions of the portal are outlined below.

Dashboard View

This view provides an overview of transactions, showing the relevant transactions depending on the search type required:

  • The default view - showing all recent transactions for your program.
  • The advanced search view - allowing you to refine the list of transactions returned by account, date range, reference number etc.

simulator portal dashboard

Card View

Once the required account has been selected, this view can be used to:

  • Request replacement cards for cards that have been either damaged or lost.
  • View the status, current balance and all cards currently associated with the selected account.
  • View all current card designs for your program.

simulator portal damage reissue cards simulator portal card designs

Card Authorizations View

The card authorization view can be used to simulate and test a range of card authorization scenarios. Once the required account details have been entered, you will need to select the card you wish to test via the "Select Card" dropdown and provide the relevant values required for the given authorization type.

simulator portal card authorizations

Testing notes

  • When testing authorizations, the value of the Amount field denotes minor units of the respective currency. For example, to generate a test value of GBP 15.00 enter an amount of "1500".
  • Certain authorization types will trigger a notification(s). To ensure comprehensive testing of the given authorization scenario, ensure all relevant notification types are enabled and configured correctly.
  • Before commencing authorization flow testing, it is recommended to have the 16-digit PAN, CVV2, PIN (available via the Card/ViewPIN method), account number and sort code to hand.

Testing overseas transactions

Certain authorization types, for example Point of Sale (POS), ATM withdrawal and 3DS e-commerce types, allow you to specify the transaction country and exchange rate, in order to simulate a transaction occurring in another country. When receiving the respective authorization notification, please note:

  • The TransactionAmount and TransactionCurrency parameters denotes the amount and currency local to the country in which the transaction occurred.
  • The AuthorizedAmount and CardHolderCurrency parameters denote the amount and currency converted into the base currency of your program.

Authorization Types

Point of Sale (POS) authorizations using a PIN.

  • Used to test a point-of-sale (POS) Chip and PIN authorization.
  • Requires the PIN and authorization Amount to be provided.

ATM withdrawal authorizations using a PIN.

  • Used to test an ATM withdrawal card authorization.
  • Requires the PIN and withdrawal Amount to be provided.

Balance enquiry

  • Used to test a balance enquiry for the specified account, generating a balance enquiry authorization message.
  • Requires the PIN to be provided.
  • Triggers an authorization notification .
  • For partners using a Buffer account, this will initiate a buffer request with an AuthorizationType of "06".

3DS e-commerce

  • Used to test a final approved 3DS e-commerce type card authorization. Unlike the 3DS authorization generation function which provides a full end-to-end test, this function generates only the authorization, either with or without a CVV value.
  • Requires the the Amount value to be provided, and the CVV value if the CVV option is selected.


Contactless with PIN

  • Used to test a contactless authorization with PIN, to which SCA thresholds pertaining to the authorization amount will not apply.
  • Requires the Amount and PIN values to be provided.
  • Triggers an authorization notification .

Auto Fuel Dispenser (AFD)

  • Used to test an auto fuel dispenser (AFD) type card authorization.
  • Requires the PIN , the original authorization reserve value via the Amount field, and the actual transaction value via Confirmation Amount to be provided.
  • The original authorization value will be completely reversed with only the actual transaction value pending. The actual amount (Confirmation Amount) must always be equal to or less than the Amount.
  • Triggers three authorization notifications :
    • a first notification for the original authorization of the reserve amount.
    • a second for the complete reversal of the reserve value.
    • a third for the actual transaction amount.

Cross Border Payment Regulation (CBPR2)

CBPR2 exchange rate

Selecting the transaction currency will fetch and populate the respective exchange rate, which can be overridden as required.

  • Used to test a CBPR2 type transaction (performed overseas with a different currency).
  • Requires the PIN , Amount (value of the transaction) and Transaction Currency to be supplied.
  • Triggers a CBPR2 notification .

Token creation

Original Credit Transaction

  • Used to test a transaction that sends funds to the selected account. Unlike a purchase transaction which debits a cardholder's account, this credits the cardholder's account.
  • Requires the PIN and an Amount value to be provided.
  • Triggers an authorization notification .

Immediate Payment

  • Used to test an instant credit transaction, crediting the selected account. Requires the PIN and an Amount value to be entered.
  • Triggers both an authorization and transaction notification.

Authorization reversals and refunds

simulator portal card authorizations type select

  • Reversing and refunding an authorization can be performed via the Authorization List tab. Open the tab and select the required reversal/refund type in the Type of Authorization field.
  • For Reversal and Refund types, select the authorization(s) you wish to refund/reverse, and then click the Submit button.
  • For Partial Reversals , select the required Authorization(s) and then scroll down to the selected authorizations section. Enter the amount for each respective reversal authorization and once complete, click the Submit button above.

simulator portal card authorizations partial reversal selection

Card Info view

Use this view to check sensitive card information (full PAN and CVV2) for all cards associated with the given account. This can be used, for example, to test the activation of new cards.

simulator portal card info

Transfer View

Use the transfer view to test the sending of outbound bank transfers from the selected account to an existing recipient. When successfully performed, each transaction will be available in the list of transactions on the Dashboard view and, if enabled, cause a respective Transaction notification to be sent.

simulator portal transfer simulator portal transfer

Payments View

Payment Amount

When testing payments, the value in the Amount field denotes major units of the respective currency. For example to generate a test value of GBP 15.00, enter an amount of "15".

Use this view to simulate various types of payments including inbound bank payments, payment credits and pay-point credits, as well as outbound Direct Debits. Please note:

  • When testing inbound payments, the sort code must be set to 608387 for GBP programs, and 39600 for EUR programs.
  • Recipients to receive inbound payments can be added via the Transfer/AddRecipient method.

Inbound payments

Used to generate an inbound UK or SEPA bank payment from the account populated in the "Sender Details" sections.

simulator portal inbound payments

Payment Credit

Use this option to simulate an inbound payment to the selected account. Note that for this payment type funds will be moved from the Program Master Account to the account selected.

Provide the Amount and optionally a Reference Number and/or Description. You can create multiple transactions for the given amount, by specifying the number of transactions to generate.

simulator portal payment credit

Pay-point Credit


PayPoint Credits are only available for GBP programs.

Use this option to simulate an inbound PayPoint credit to the selected account. Provide the Amount and optionally a Reference Number and/or Description. You can create multiple transactions for the given amount, by specifying the number of transactions to generate.

simulator portal paypoint credit

Direct Debits

The Direct Debit view can be used to create Direct Debit mandates and make Direct Debit payments. Selecting an account will provide a list of all current Direct Debit mandates for the account:

simulator portal direct debit select mandate

Creating Direct Debit mandates

If no mandates are available, new mandates can be created by clicking the "Create New Mandate" button, entering the relevant recipient account details and clicking "Submit".

simulator portal direct debit create new mandate

Creating a Direct Debit instruction

To Create a Direct Debit instruction for an existing mandate select the relevant mandate, fill out the relevant sender account details and click the "Submit" button.

simulator portal direct debit mandate payment

Bank Charges

Applying bank charges

Use the Bank Charge Apply view to simulate and test numerous types of bank charges against a given account, such as transaction charges, transfer feeds, POS terminal charges etc.

simulator portal bank charge apply

Bank Charge Return

This view is used to return an existing charge previously applied to an account. Once the relevant account has been selected, search for the charge to be returned via the date range selector. Once the return has been applied the initial charged amount will be credited back to the account.

simulator portal bank charge apply



Please note that subscribing to notifications in the production environment is managed by Solaris.

This view provides a list of all notifications previously triggered on the platform, grouped by notification type. The data available includes:

  • The full notification payload.
  • The date and time the notification was sent.
  • The notification delivery status.
  • The ability to resend notifications that were not successfully delivered.

simulator portal webhooks

Webhook Configuration

The webhook configuration overview screen shows which notification types are currently enabled, and which notification URL each respective type will be delivered to:

simulator portal webhooks configuration

Clicking the Action button for the required notification type presents the respective configuration detail screen, allowing you to:

  • Enable/disable the sending of the given notification type.
  • Set the URL that the notification will be sent to.

simulator portal webhooks configuration detail

Generation of 3D Secure e-commerce authorizations

This view can be used to simulate a complete, end-to-end 3D secure e-commerce authorization cycle including the sending of webhook notifications. To test this cycle, follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure firstly the 3DS SCA notification is enabled and configured correctly.
  2. Initiate the authorization by providing the 16 digit card PAN Number , Auth amount , Card Holder Name and Card Expiry date values, and clicking the "3DS Cardinal and Auth txn" button.

simulator portal 3ds configuration

  1. For partner owned authorization flows, after the "3DS Cardinal and Auth txn" button has been pressed, select the "OUTOFBANDOTHER" option from the drop down and click on the "Validate" button to generate the relevant 3D Secure notification.

simulator portal 3ds configuration

  1. Call the Security/Authorize method, passing the TransactionID value from the notification received as the SCAReferenceNumber to generate the card authorization.

Generation of Clearing

This screen allows you to generate a mock clearing and settlement process for authorizations.

  • To generate clearing for all currently pending transactions, click the "Generate Clearing All" button.
  • To generate clearing for Selected transactions only, search for the specific Authorization Id required (multiple authorization Ids can be provided as a comma separate list), click search, select the required transactions from the table and click "Generate Clearing Selected".

Use this function to generate a mock settlement instruction for all the pending card authorizations generated via the Cards Authorization view.

simulator portal generate clearing

Solaris is the brand name for the regulated entities Contis Financial Services Ltd and UAB „Finansinės paslaugos „Contis“, which are part of the Solaris Group.