Card Action Notification

Digital card renewal

Currently the only action that will cause this notification to be sent is that of a renewal of a digital card, with a CardActionCode of "09". This notification will include information regarding the expired card, the renewed card and whether a new physical card has also been issued following expiry.

Provides notification for a given card action.

Card Action notification parameters

Parameters Type Description
NotificationType string Three-digit unique identifier of notification. Numeric value "074" denotes the card action notification.
CardActionCode string Two-digit unique identifier of action taken on card.
CardHolderId integer Unique identifier of the consumer.
AccountNumber integer Contains the eight-digit account number and six-digit sort code of the consumer.
CardId integer Unique identifier of the existing (expired) card.
CardNumber string Contains the first four and last four digits of the expired card's 16-digit card number.
RenewedCardId integer Unique identifier of the new card.
RenewedCardNumber string Contains the first four and last four digits of the renewed card's 16-digit card number.
IsRenewedCardIssuedPhysically boolean Whether the renewed card has been issued physically or not.
SecurityHash string Contains the hash of the payload values and your webhook security key, to verify the origin and integrity of the notification.

Example of Card action notification

  "NotificationType": "074",
  "CardActionCode": "09",
  "CardHolderId": "453158",
  "AccountNumber": "04261043 - 623053",
  "CardId": "322014",
  "CardNumber": "47451001",
  "RenewedCardId": "322015",
  "RenewedCardNumber": "47457696",
  "IsRenewedCardIssuedPhysically": "True",
  "SecurityHash": "9b52c53c7ca0ae3e0d40eaeddf61f5f8270de55c0cb53322ee89582444a468a2"

Validating the notification security Hash

Security Hash validation

See the respective guide for more information on calculating and verifying the notification security hash.

To compute the hash of the notification payload, concatenate the payload values in the following sequence, with your webhook security key as the final item:


The payload values above and example webhook security key of abcdefghijklmnop, will produce the following hash input:

074&09&453158&04261043 - 623053&322014&47451001&322015&47457696&True&abcdefghijklmnop
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