Transaction notification

Solaris API service notifies the client about debit and credit transactions of consumer's account. The latest notification contains all the details of all the transactions that happened after posting of the preceding notification.

Transaction notification parameters

Parameter Naming

This notification's parameter names contain inconsistent usage of "Authorization", "Authorised" etc.

Parameters Type Description
NotificationType string Three-digit identifier of the notification type. "051" denotes the Transaction notification.
CardID integer Unique identifier of the card.
AccountNumber string Eight-digit account number of the consumer.
TransactionID integer Unique identifier of the transaction.
Description string The description that describes the nature, type or purpose of transaction.
TransactionType string Lookup value that identifies the type of transaction.
AuthorizationDate string The date and time of authorization of the card transaction in yyyyMMddHHmmss format.
LocalDate string The local date and time of the card transaction in yyyyMMddHHmmss format.
SettlementDate string The date and time of settlement of the card transaction, provided by Visa, in yyyyMMddHHmmss format.
AuthoriseAmount integer The amount authorized for the transaction, converted into the partner's program base currency.
LocalAmount integer The amount of the authorized card transaction in the local currency where the transaction was performed.
SettlementAmount integer The settlement amount converted into the partner's program base currency.
LocalCurrency string The ISO numeric code of the local currency in which the transaction was performed.
IssuingCurrency string The ISO numeric code of the partner's program base currency in which the card is authorized to transact.
MCC string Merchant Category Code. A unique three-digit identifier of the category of the merchant.
AuthoriseCode string Authorization code generated at the time of the card transaction for its validation.
ClientReferenceNumber string Unique reference number provided by user for tracking/auditing.
CardAcceptorID string Unique identifier of facility, merchant or POS that accepts the consumer's card for payment. Provided byVISA.
TerminalCode string Unique identifier of the terminal where card is swiped for payment. Provided by Visa.
TerminalLocation string The location of the terminal where card is swiped for transaction. Provided by Visa.
TerminalStreet string The street where terminal is located. Provided by Visa.
TerminalCity string The city where terminal is located and where card was swiped. Provided by Visa.
TerminalCountry string The country where terminal is located and where card was swiped. Provided by Visa.
IsCardPresent bool Boolean that identifies whether card "was present" or "not present" during transaction.
"1" - card present during transaction.
"0" - card not present during transaction.
STAN integer SYSTEM TRACE AUDIT NUMBER provided by Visa.
TransactionIndicator string Transaction Indicator Lookup Value.
AcquiringInstituteID string Unique identifier of an Acquirer or Acquiring institution. Provided by Visa.
ForwardingInstitutionID string Unique identifier of the Forwarding or Processing institution. Provided by Visa.
TranFromAccountNumber string Account number of the consumer who is the debtor in the transaction.
TranToAccountNumber string Account number of the consumer who is the creditor in the transaction.
TranFromAccountBalance string Account balance of the debtor account.
TranToAccountBalance string Account balance of the creditor account.
SortCode string Six-digit number that identifies the branch of the bank where consumer holds account.
TranFromSortCode string Six-digit number that identifies the branch of the bank where consumer holds account. This is associated with the debtor account number.
TranToSortCode string Six-digit number that identifies the branch of the bank where consumer holds account. This is associated with the creditor account number.
BusinessApplicationIdentifier string Business Application Identifier received from visa in OCT transaction.
IsFastFund string Fast Fund Indicate is immediate payment or not.
CardTransactionID string Unique identifier of the card's transaction.
SecurityHash string Contains the hash of the payload values and your webhook security key, to verify the origin and integrity of the notification.

Example of Transaction notification

   "NotificationType" : "051",
   "CardID" : "123",
   "AccountNumber" : "00123456",
   "TransactionID" : "123v",
   "Description" : "abc",
   "TransactionType" : "29",
   "AuthorizationDate" : "20170602105733",
   "LocalDate" : "20170602105733",
   "SettlementDate" : "20170602105733",
   "AuthoriseAmount" : "123",
   "LocalAmount" : "123",   
   "SettlementAmount" : "123",
   "LocalCurrency" : "840",
   "IssuingCurrency" : "840",
   "MCC" : "",
   "AuthoriseCode" : "000",
   "ClientReferenceNumber" : "Load Money: 6347595",
   "CardAcceptorID" : "123",   
   "TerminalCode" : "123",
   "TerminalLocation" : "abc",
   "TerminalStreet" : "abc",
   "TerminalCity" : "abc",
   "TerminalCountry" : "abc",
   "IsCardPresent" : "N",
   "STAN" : "123",
   "RRN" : "abc",
   "TransactionIndicator" : "abc",
   "AcquiringInstituteID" : "abc",
   "ForwardingInstitutionID" : "abc",
   "TranFromAccountNumber" : "00123456",
   "TranToAccountNumber" : "00312654",
   "TranFromAccountBalance" : "123",
   "TranToAccountBalance" : "123",
   "SortCode" : "123456",
   "TranFromSortCode" : "123456",
   "TranToSortCode" : "123456",
   "BusinessApplicationIdentifier" : "AA",
   "IsFastFund" : "True",
   "CardTransactionID": "7765598572078195",
   "SecurityHash" : "84f584e68c78670fc18f3762a3a2361b5042fd43f2c5332b06ffb29b66cf3935"

Lookup values for Business Application Identifier

AA Account to account
AL AFT or OCT eligibility
BB Business to business
BI Money transfer-bank-initiated
BP Non-card bill payment
CB Consumer bill payment
CD Cash deposit
CI Cash in
CO Cash out
CP Card bill payment
FD Funds disbursement (general)
FT Funds transfer
GD Government disbursement
GP Gambling payout (other than online gambling)
LO Loyalty and offers
MD Merchant disbursement
MI Money transfer-merchant-initiated
MP Merchant payment
OG Online gambling payout
PD Payroll/pension disbursement
PG Payment to government
PP Person to person
PS Payment for goods and services (general)
TU Top-up for enhanced prepaid loads
WT Wallet transfer

Validating the notification security hash

Security Hash validation

See the respective guide for more information on calculating and verifying the notification security hash.

To compute the hash of the notification payload, concatenate the payload values in the following sequence, with your webhook security key as the final item:


The payload values above and example webhook security key of abcdefghijklmnop, will produce the following hash input:

051&123&00123456&123v&abc&29&20170602105733&20170602105733&20170602105733&123&123&123&840&840&&000&Load Money: 6347595&123&123&abc&abc&abc&abc&N&123&abc&abc&abc&abc&00123456&00312654&123&123&123456&123456&123456&AA&True&7765598572078195&abcdefghijklmnop
Solaris is the brand name for the regulated entities Contis Financial Services Ltd and UAB „Finansinės paslaugos „Contis“, which are part of the Solaris Group.