Release Notes - 2022

December 6th 2022


  • Webhook improvements to assist with transaction reconciliation.
  • New webhook to notify of digital card expiry and renewal.
  • 26 defect fixes.

Improved transaction reconciliation

In order to aid in the reconciliation of transactions, additions have been made to the following webhooks:

  • Authorisation Webhook
    • Addition of new field AuthorizationID
  • Buffer webhook
    • Addition of new field CardTransactionID

Please note

  • The CardTransactionID parameter in the Buffer webhook will reference the same value as the TransactionID parameter within the Authorisation webhook.
  • CardTransactionID is currently provided in the Buffer Authorisation web call. Its addition into the Buffer webhook payload will permit tracking from the initial Buffer web call, subsequent Buffer webhook, and the following Authorization webhook (via the TransactionID parameter).
  • AuthorizationID is currently provided within the Buffer web call and webhook payloads. It is being added to the Authorisation webhook to provide a further means of linking the information received together.

Introduction of Digital Card renewal webhook

A new webhook has been introduced to notify partners when digital cards have expired and been renewed. This contains information regarding the expired and renewed digital cards, and whether a new physical card has been issued.

November 15th 2022

KYC Check Webhook

To better inform clients of when an application has passed KYC checks, an additional KYCStatus value of "Pass" has been available in the KYC Check webhook, as below:

Kycstatus Value Lookup Value
Pass 2

A notification containing a KYCStatus of "Pass" has been sent when the relevant application has completed and passed all KYC checks.

Account Status Change Webhook

A new account status of "Dormant" has been added to the Account Status Change Webhook, as below:

Account Status Lookup Value
Dormant 6

In addition to existing account status changes, this notification will now also be sent in the following circumstances:

  • When an account status is changed from "Limited" to "Live" ("Grey List" checks have completed and passed).
  • When an account status is changed from "Live" to "Dormant", or from "Dormant" to "Live".

October 2022

  • In addition to the nine languages currently supported, the following languages are now available for card carriers when creating new customers via the AddConsumers endpoint:
Language Lookup Value
French 10
Romanian 11
German 12
Italian 13
Spanish 14

If a language other than an existing or one of the newly added options is requested, a default value of English will be used. Please contact your Account Manager if you wish to support these new languages in your integration.

August 2022

July 2022

  • The RecipientFriendlyName parameter on the P2P/AddRecipient endpoint will now accept a value of up to 50 characters (from 25 previously) to accommodate longer values which may be provided. This aligns the limit with that of the BankAccountHolderName parameter on the Transfer/AddRecipient endpoint.

June 2022

June 28th

  • For accounts with a status of "Suspended", clients can now self-serve via the API to update customer address information and issue new cards, speeding up this process and removing manual work.
  • If configured, the Account Status Change notification will in addition to existing workflows, now be sent in the following scenarios:
    • When an account has its statuses changed to "Closed".
    • When the account is suspected by the client of suspected fraudulent activity and is changed to "Closed".
    • When an account with a zero balance which has been inactive for 30 days or more has the only card assigned to the account cancelled by the cardholder.

June 9th

  • For scenarios when a card limit is exceeded, the ActionDetail parameter in the Authorization webhook has been amended to provide the correct description as this was previously incorrect.
  • Clients can now be informed via the Account Status Change and User Status Change webhooks when an account’s application is passed (due to no risk) or declined (due to risk).
  • For Latvian, Lithuanian or Luxembourg addresses it is no longer mandatory to include alpha characters at the start of post codes when a user is registered, or their address is amended.

March 2022

Webhook updates

WebHooks name Note
Authorisation New response parameter added. Parameter name: POSEntryMode
Pending authorisation auto release New response parameter added. Parameter name: ReleasedAmount
Transaction New response parameters added. Parameter names:
  • BusinessApplicationIdentifier
  • IsFastFund

January 2022

Updated APIs with controls

Dev portal controller Web method name Note
Consumer AddConsumers New Request Parameter Added Parameter Name : EncryptedPIN
Card RequestNewCard

Webhook updates

WebHooks name Note
Authorisation New response parameter added.Parameter name: IsReversal